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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Re: LDF Policies requiring HIA of new proposals

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

LDF Policies requiring HIA of new proposals

Our Core Strategy (Central Lancashire) has a policy on health which includes a clause that requires a Health Impact Assessment of all development proposals in strategic locations. However, before submission we need to define more clearly what scale of development we mean. I am wondering if others have a similar policy and what sort of thresholds are applied - for example, does it apply to all applications for "major" development?
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: LDF Policies requiring HIA of new proposals

May I ask - what's the problem you're trying to solve with this policy ?
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: LDF Policies requiring HIA of new proposals

I'm trying to guage what scale of development should require a HIA., so that we can include an appropriate threshold in the policy. For example, should we apply the definition of Major development (20+ dwellings, 1000m2 floorspace)?
Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Re: LDF Policies requiring HIA of new proposals

To continue my devil's advocacy, you aim to: "help to reduce health inequalities by [...] requiring Health Impact Assessment on all development proposals on Strategic Sites and Locations." It seems to me that the issue isn't the threshold, but the improvement of health. To use the lingo, which determinants of health are particularly important to you ? Worklessness, pollution and unsafe behaviour could all be factored into a design but in different ways. If you are clear about the issue then developers can scope out whether their proposals need some extra thought / rigour / consultation. Or, to put it another way, the production of an HIA doesn't actually make anything happen. It's just some paper. How will you monitor whether your policy is working or not ? I hope it's OK to think out loud (and expose my ignorance) in this way. I'm just being mindful of the "bonfire of policy" that is round the corner - and every line will have to earn its keep.