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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Re: Communication/Channel strategies

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Communication/Channel strategies

We are about to embark on a piece of work under the above heading. The background is that we currently spend significant resources notifying and publicising planning and related applications, and much of what we do is governed by regulations that are looking a bit dated. Whilst we have moved beyond the statutorily required processes, eg by use of the web site/online viewing and making of applications/on line commenting/email alerts/electronic bulletins and user groups etc, we feel that there is a large and growing IT literate community - many with smart phone,s who would be up for greater changes including personalised webpages/online discussion groups/directors blogs/DiTV/QR Codes and the whole raft of social media. Hence the preparation of a communication or channel strategy. But before getting too far on this, it would be helpful to know if other planning services have already done this and have something they would like to share.
Nick Wright, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Communication/Channel strategies

New Member Post: 1 Join Date: 20/10/11 Recent Posts
We reviewed our systems, including publications a couple of years ago. We found that when we asked our customers what was the ideal way to communicate the response was wide and varied depending on the age group. Some liked to be informed by letter, but then how far do you go, others liked the press notices and web site. We used the 'tell everyone' approach and the cost of this in postage and advertising was going through the roof. We went back to basic's and only informed those who were directly affected by the proposal by letter, put up site notices when required. We have had a few complaints, but on the whole it has worked well. We have promoted our web site and we now include QR codes on our site notices, this is taking off well and is something we will be using more and more of. We decided at this moment in time not to go down the line of personalised webpages, but may look at it again in the near future and would like to see if others use it and what success it had. Similarly, with Directors Blog and DiTV.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Communication/Channel strategies

Hello Nick and many thanks for the comments. I would like to follow up with the QR codes, and it would be good to have a chat with you about it. Could you email me on Thanks