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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

Anyone have a copy of Circular 05/1989 ?

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Anyone have a copy of Circular 05/1989 ?

I'm researching "free go" and as I understand it Circular 05/1989 gave loose guidelines for what changes were eligible, including change in number of units. But then Circular 31/1992 tightened them up to only minor changes. Then I understand Circular 04/2008 reverted to the test set out in regulation 8 and Circular 05/1989, referring to development of the same character or description as the earlier proposal. I can't find an electronic copy of Circular 05/1989 - I need to see if it did say anything about changes in number of units, i.e. how it interpreted "development of the same character or description". I would argue if "residential development" is what it is, then the numbers of units do not matter, unless you change e.g. from houses to flats.