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Re: Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT

John Theobald, modified 11 Years ago.

Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT?

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT? If we have a legal duty to provide a document, and nobody else can do so, our charge should be free of VAT? Can anyone advise me? Many thanks, John
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT

We take that view at Mansfield and do not charge VAT on copy documents. Regards Denise
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT

Hello. What difference does it make to the end user? Whether they pay 5p + VAT or £1 including VAT, it's just a price. If it's more of an ethical discussion about "if people can't go elsewhere then they shouldn't be charged VAT", then one could just as easily argue that they shouldn't be charged at all.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: Charges for copy decision notices and photocopying plans: VAT or no VAT

Whether or not VAT is chargeable on the provision of any service is solely determined by the VAT Regulations and therefore there is only one right (a.k.a. lawful) answer. My authority does charge VAT on the provision of copy documents and I assume that it was decided to do so on the basis of legal/accountancy advice.