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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Time Extensions

Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Time Extensions

Does anyone know if time extension applications are going to get another year of life?


The current allowance for them will run out on 1 October and the last I heard (from CLG) is that a report on it was "with Ministers".  I've seen nothing since despite asking.

Steve Speed - The Planning Jungle website, modified 10 Years ago.

Time Extensions

Enthusiast Posts: 70 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts

Hi Andrew,

The following written statement by Nick Boles to Parliament on 03/09/2013 states that there will not be a further extension to this measure:

"In October 2012, a temporary measure introduced by the previous Government that enables applicants to seek more time to implement a planning permission was extended by 12 months. To encourage developments to start on site promptly once planning permission is granted, this temporary measure will not be extended further. This will complement the £1 billion Government are investing to get stalled sites moving again and help to reduce the 60,500 sites that are currently on hold."




Former Member, modified 10 Years ago.

Time Extensions

Hi Steve


Thanks for the link - I'd spoken with CLG at the end of August and was told that a report/recommendation was with Ministers, but they would not say what the recommendation was.

Given the absence of any actual publicity (which a statement to Parliament isn't!) I called CLG again last week and they confirmed the measure wasn't being extended.

It is of course hugely optimistic to think this will result in 1000's of schemes being commenced and completed.  The greater number of schemes will no doubt see token implementation works, with a corresponding surge in condition discharge apps for LPA's to deal with.  Never mind.


