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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Use Classes Order 1987 - Flowchart that illustrates the interactions ...

Steve Speed - The Planning Jungle website, modified 10 Years ago.

Use Classes Order 1987 - Flowchart that illustrates the interactions ...

Enthusiast Posts: 70 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts
Hi all,
In case anyone's interested, I've created a flowchart that illustrates the interactions between the Use Classes (i.e. the interactions due to the permitted changes of use and temporary uses from Parts 3 and 4 of the GPDO 1995).  I'm not sure whether this type of flowchart has been done before, but even being familiar with the legislation, it was quite surprising how complicated such a flowchart turns out to be.  Of course, if the currently proposed additional PD rights for A1, A2, B1, C1, C2, C2A, D2, and agricultural properties come into force, then this type of flowchart would become even more complicated!
For info, the flowchart is available at the end of the document on the following webpage, which is one of the free documents on the website: