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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Today

FREE CPD on self build housing

Mary Elkington, modified 1 Year ago.

FREE CPD on self build housing

New Member Posts: 23 Join Date: 14/11/14 Recent Posts

Hi All. 

The Right to Build Task Force has a few more good online sessions coming up - they're free to people (enter promo code "DELIVERY" on after you click 'Tickets' on eventbrite).

Next week's session on custom build enablers will be interesting.  There are increasing numbers of custom build speicalists who take on delivering homes via a self-comissioned custom build and the first session focuses on how these companies operate and can help deliver self/custom build plots.

The Appeals session will be a full session (not a videocast of the early one in which yours truley tried to step in for a covid-riddled colleague - this time it will be someone who really knows).  This will also be a chance to review some recent decisions like the recent appeal decision in Harborough :