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RE: Ideas for reducing invalid applications

Graham Stephenson, modified 1 Year ago.

Ideas for reducing invalid applications

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 29/04/21 Recent Posts

Hi, appreciate there are a number of historic posts on validation but with things moving on in terms of digital etc has anyone developed an absolute gem of an idea or ideas for reducing the number of invalid applications that you have received. We're looking at using AI but also more simple interventions around how information is displayed on our website. For example what information is required at validation and how information is given at pre-app, and . Basically making it so clear as to what is required, there's really no excuse for submitting an invalid application. 

If anyone is willing to share their ideas, it would be great to catch up. 

richard white, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Ideas for reducing invalid applications

Advocate Posts: 214 Join Date: 26/11/18 Recent Posts

Perfect opportunity to plug a project some of my colleagues have been working on for the last couple of years

Graham Stephenson, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Ideas for reducing invalid applications

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 29/04/21 Recent Posts

Thanks Richard, we are actually part of the latest cohort so looking forward to seeing what progresses. 


Jeff Downing, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Ideas for reducing invalid applications

New Member Posts: 4 Join Date: 16/08/19 Recent Posts

Speaking as a technical consultee (land contamination) applications I don't think AI will be able to differentiate for technical submisisons that support the application until its at the stage of replacing all jobs. 

Submissions often acheive validation erroneously through no fault of our validation team, who are very good at checking, but because the developers either don't click 'yes' on any of the contamination questions or they supply a irrelevant / poor report. They essentially bypass the system. When I've asked the developer its often because the land has been remediated (they don't realise that remediation is totally different to being 'cleaned up'), or because the industrial use is still there, or they simply judged it wasn't. A good validation team, will always be as good or better than AI, as its the otherwise irrelevant things that trigger alarm bells to consider an application further and it currently needs a person to notice those. 

Whilst technical submissions are problematic to screen, regarding the nformation required at validation for land condition we liked Plymouths guidance leaflet, so asked and adapted it to our local circumstances with its tables to expain to applicants what submisisons were required. We still receive reports written for other subject areas, but at least its a step in the right direction. I think the change been helpful, or at least gave us something to provide .

Martin Hutchings, modified 1 Year ago.

RE: Ideas for reducing invalid applications

Enthusiast Posts: 30 Join Date: 26/02/13 Recent Posts
Hello Graham - there's not usually much new under the sun/silver bullets on these sorts of things - as others have hinted it needs LPAs and applicants to be diligent. The opendigitial work will I'm sure help crack the largely routine applications eventually but in the meantime we need approaches that allow for the variety inherent in the planning system and how different players engage with it. Clarity (many websites are not), clear communication, a bit of flexibility and pragmatism are key. PAS has a toolkit (the DM challenge toolkit) that includes a section on managing the validation process, our pre-application/PPA research and findings should also be useful.