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RE: HDT 2022 results out

Ian McDonald, Addaswyd 6 Mis yn ôl.

HDT 2022 results out

Enthusiast Postiadau: 70 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/05/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

HDT 2022 results were released on 19 December 2023 - just saying in case people are still relying on the Government's main web page Housing Delivery Test - GOV.UK ( which has not been updated to reflect the 2022 results availale on this web page Housing Delivery Test: 2022 measurement - GOV.UK (

Andrea King, Addaswyd 6 Mis yn ôl.

RE: HDT 2022 results out

Enthusiast Postiadau: 76 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Just picked up on that too Ian.  Had a look at their calculation figures compared to our provisional calculation for that 3yr period.  Seems they've not factored in our additional delivery in the National Park or communal accommodation, just using our council's straight housing delivery numbers (as amended by the Covid adjustments).  Plus they seem to have done some strange rounding of the Local Housing Need figures for those 3 years (not always rounded in the right direction)!  Not a big deal overall for us, as we still come out at 277% (rather than our provisional 280% calculation), but hopefully the 2023 HDT results (which will presumably now come out fairly soon) will be more accurate, otherwise we may need to query the calculations with them again!

Andrew Chalmers, Addaswyd 6 Mis yn ôl.

RE: HDT 2022 results out

Advocate Postiadau: 170 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

You may have noted that the recent NPPF changes remove the commitment to publish HDT results in November (although in reality they always slipped) has been removed.  These will now be published "annually..."

Ian McDonald, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

RE: HDT 2022 results out

Enthusiast Postiadau: 70 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/05/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

The Government webpage Housing Delivery Test - GOV.UK ( has now been updated to include the 2022 results.  I wonder when the 2023 results will be published?  Usually the results are published in Jan/Feb.  The 2022 came out very late (Dec) due to the consultation of the/and revisions to the NPPF.  Assuming the 2023 results will be published within the next few weeks...?

Andrew Chalmers, Addaswyd 5 Mis yn ôl.

RE: HDT 2022 results out

Advocate Postiadau: 170 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

Thanks Ian. You would expect there is nothing to hold back publication as it is a technical process with an established methodology.  But DLUCH and ministers will also want to fully understand the consequences of outcomes against national housing targets of 300,000 per year and implications for specific authorities in terms of the 20% and presumption before releasing the numbers.