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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

CIL and Multiple Buildings Under 100m2

Former Member, modified 3 Years ago.

CIL and Multiple Buildings Under 100m2


I would be grateful if someone could provide an answer to whether CIL can be applied to the example below or if none would be applicable.


1 acre plot with existing bungalow as main and sole residence.

Storage building of 96m2 to be built within permitted development rights.

Several months later a single storey extension to the bungalow of 98m2 within permitted development rights.

Several months later another storage building of 50m2 within permitted development rights.


Will CIL apply to the subsequent developments once the 100m2 is exceeded or will it not apply to any as they are all under 100m2?


Thanks for any help with this.
