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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - April

New roof lights in outbuilding

Former Member, modified 5 Years ago.

New roof lights in outbuilding

An applicant has provided drawings for the demolition and rebuilding of an outbuilding within the curtilage of the house.  The rebuilt outbuilding will have an additional floor in the roof space which was not present in the original building, and the insertion of 2 velux windows.


The bottom of the windows will be ~1.0m above floor level.  It is not a side elevation.


As this is an outbuilding incidental to the main dwelling, does it have same permitted development rights as the house - i.e. insertion of veluxes within the conditions of the GPDO would be acceptable? In which case, it could be removed from the applicant's plans, and fitted later under PD?


Thanks in advance.