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Differential Resi Rates on Scale

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

Differential Resi Rates on Scale

Does anyone have an example(s) of charging schedules including a variable rate based on a scale of residential development?  For example, developments over 1,000 dwellings are covered by a different rate from the main residential development rate?  I understand that this approach has been used for retail but I'm not aware of it being used for residential development.

Setting rates by scale is identified as an option in the CIL Guidance but there is limited detail regarding how this may work.

I see that this option may be a solution for charging authorities progressing CIL before the adoption of a Local Plan (prior to finalising the allocation of strategic sites), but I'm not sure whether a) it has been used as approach by other authorities b) that the approach has been found sound at Examination.

Many thanks!


Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Differential Resi Rates on Scale

Hi Nicki,

It's all about viability. If it can be demonstrated that different sized residential schemes have different viability then different CIL rates can be applied. If not then there is no justification for doing it.

Some authorities have applied higher CIL rates to smaller residential schemes on the basis that they are more viable if they do not have to provide social housing. That approach is sustainable at examination if the viability evidence supports it. 

Differential CIL rates can't be used as a means of achieving strategic objectives if the viability evidence doesn't support the approach. .

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Differential Resi Rates on Scale

Camden does:

Type of Development CIL Tariff (pounds per square metre) Zone A CIL Tariff (pounds per square metre) Zone B CIL Tariff (pounds per square metre) Zone C
Residential below 10 dwellings (or 1000sqm) £500 £500 £500
Residential of 10 or more dwellings (or above 1000sqm) and private care residential homes with a degree of self-containment £150 £250 £500


Their charging schedule is here and more details are here

Planning Resource has a summary of charging schedules here, so there might be others.