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certificate of lawfuness - static caravan

colin styles, modifié il y a 7 années.

certificate of lawfuness - static caravan

New Member Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 29/03/17 Publications Récentes

I am in the process of purchasing a proprty in Devon. Within the curtilage ther is a static caravan. Used by a previous owner when they extended the house and as extra accomadation afterwards. It has been on site now for approx. 13 years. Satellite immages confirm this.

I would like to replace this static with a more modern one and use it as a holiday let. Do I require a Lawful Development Certificate?




Former Member, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: certificate of lawfuness - static caravan

colin styles:

I am in the process of purchasing a proprty in Devon. Within the curtilage ther is a static caravan. Used by a previous owner when they extended the house and as extra accomadation afterwards. It has been on site now for approx. 13 years. Satellite immages confirm this.

I would like to replace this static with a more modern one and use it as a holiday let. Do I require a Lawful Development Certificate?




Hi Colin.  You would not be able to use the caravan as a holiday let without first obtaining planning permission.  This use would not be covered by a Lawful Development Certificate, even if you were to obtain one, on the basis that it would result in a material change of use of land.  Regards.  Mike Hyde