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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

New Permitted Development (Part 20) - Publicity - write to owners?

Adam Ralton, modified 3 Years ago.

New Permitted Development (Part 20) - Publicity - write to owners?

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 15/04/14 Recent Posts

Paragraph B (Procedure for applications for prior approval under Part 20) includes a requirement at B(12)(b) ( that the LPA must give notice of the proposed development by serving a notice…on all owners and occupiers of the flats within existing blocks of flats.

From my understanding, this introduces the need for a Local Planning Authority to establish who the relevant owner is, and write to them, in addition to the standard practice of writing to the owner and/or occupier. The requirement to write to owners only seems to exist elsewhere in the context of giving notice of Article 4 Directions at Schedule 3 of the GPDO - but even that gives a caveat if it would be impracticable (Schedule 3, Para 1(2) -


LPAs do not hold land ownership records, and access to these would, I expect, come at an expense to LPAs (if we use Land Registry, which is not always up to date). If we are to use information held by other Local Authority functions, I fear there could be GDPR issues.

I wonder if any other LPAs have considered how best to deal with this requirement to write to owners and occupiers? What lengths do you expect to go to, to identify and write to the owner?

Who is the owner? Is it a company, a director, a tenant, freeholder, leaseholder, does it include the mortgage company? Is the owner as defined in S65(8) of the TCPA?

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions or opinions