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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Planning Policy Formulation

Simon Pickstone, modified 3 Years ago.

Planning Policy Formulation

Advocate Posts: 104 Join Date: 22/04/13 Recent Posts

Here is a question for those experienced policy planners out there…wherever you are…

Which of the following, if either, would you consider to be a more affirmative, proactive and therefore stronger policy commitment, and why:

“The … will pursue the following approaches to deliver significant reductions in carbon emissions in …, aiming to achieve net-zero by ... through:

  1. Seeking solutions that reduce the need to travel, and facilitate the move towards sustainable modes of travel.


  1. Seeking solutions that reduce the need to travel, and encourage the move towards sustainable modes of travel”.

1, 2 or 3. no difference?

Thanks, Simon

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