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Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - This week

CIL and gross internal floor areas 2

Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

CIL and gross internal floor areas 2

Is there general agreement amongst us that, for the purposes of calculating the gross internal floor area, the area covered by, for example, verandahs and loading bays which are not fully enclosed should be included? This seems logical to me but we have a planning agent who is asking the question in a response to our draft charging schedule consultation.
Former Member, modified 11 Years ago.

Re: CIL and gross internal floor areas 2

It's an interesting one. Here in Bristol our current thinking is that if the floorspace is weathertight it is liable for CIL and if not it isn't. We think that a reasonable interpretation of a "building that people normally go into" is something where you could expect to stay dry if it rained. The same would apply to floorspace to be netted off from buildings in existing use. So we do not think that "lean to" car ports, verandahs or covered walkways would be CIL liable. Stadia are an interesting one - our thinking is that changing rooms, bars, conference facilities, executive suites etc would be CIL liable (or netted off if the stadia was to be demolished for other uses) but the external element of the stands (i.e the terraces and seating) which are open to the elements would not be. No doubt this will all become clearer as time progresses and appeals are determined.