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Development Viability SPD

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD


We are about to commence the production of a Development Viability SPD. Is anyone aware of anything similar elsewhere and/or best practice for procedural matters such as content of viability assessments? We would be doing this to expand on our existing S106 SPD.

I have come across several examples of Affordable Housing SPDs and S106 SPDs that cover viability, but not a separate viability SPD.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


Charlene Jones, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD

New Member Postiadau: 22 Dyddiad Ymuno: 30/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Hi Laura,

Sorry for asking a stupid question, but what would be your purpose for the Viability SPD and what areas of viability would it encompass. E.g. Would it be additional to or include Section 106s, CIL etc?

Is there a particular policy hook in the adopted Plan?



Rob Searle, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD

New Member Postiadau: 6 Dyddiad Ymuno: 30/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Hi Laura,

We deal with viability related matters on a daily basis and I don't think we have come across a SPD specifically for viability (not to say one doesn't exist somewhere). It is normally incorporated  (quite often in some detail) within a planning obligations SPD or affordable housing SPD as you mentioned. I would think that the contents of some of the s106 / AH SPDs you have referred to would give you a good basis?

Kind regards,

Rob Searle

Dixon Searle Partnership (DSP)


Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD

Hi Charlene

Thanks for your reply.

It would be in addition to the CIL Charging Schedule (we have recently had the Examination) and our S106 SPD.

We are thinking along the lines of use of available guidance, procedural matters (pre-app/validation/application stage), viability appraisal content, viability models, methodology (including benchmark land value, a/h/ housing etc) and review mechanisms. The aim would be to link to a policy hook in the Local Plan.



[quote=Charlene Jones]

Hi Laura,

Sorry for asking a stupid question, but what would be your purpose for the Viability SPD and what areas of viability would it encompass. E.g. Would it be additional to or include Section 106s, CIL etc?

Is there a particular policy hook in the adopted Plan?




Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD

Can I recommend that you look at our viability pages- There are key guidance documents such as the Harman guidance that give very good advice to all those involved in viability for plan making and CIL. It also gives good general advice and viability information.;jsessionid=87CF73DFB5750C18FAEA1CAB9A1970A   

  You might just want to link to this guidance on your website. If however, you are looking to undertake developer contributions, or infrastructure payment guidance, containing CIL and s106- many of the local authorities that have a CIL in place -such as Bristol have such guidance on their web sites.

If you want to know more about viability - PAS have run viability courses over the last few years and the materials are available for download. 


Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Viability SPD

Hi Laura

A while ago we published a paper on "Valuing Sustainability" which highlights some significant issues as we approach C4SH level 6 and zero carbon. The paper also includes some references that you may find helpful. You can reach our paper through our website:

I would be interested in any comments you may have on the paper.