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REQUEST FOR CASE STUDIES: Partnership approaches to positive planning

Jo Allchurch, modified 10 Years ago.

REQUEST FOR CASE STUDIES: Partnership approaches to positive planning

New Member Posts: 16 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts

The LGA is currently putting together a publication in conjunction with the British Property Federation to showcase effective partnership approaches to positive planning.

We are looking for case studies of up to 1 page (with pictures if relevant) which illustrate how developers and councils working together in partnership can bring forward high quality development in a timely fashion, which supports economic growth and builds support and acceptance from communities. We are particularly looking for evidence of the impact i.e. what difference does the partnership approach make?

This may include some of the following elements:

o   Maximising engagement at plan-making stage to allow more effective targeting of effort in applications

o   Effective and joined up pre-application advice services

o   Effective consultation with communities

o   Councillors leadership role

o   Joining up developer negotiations

o   Implementing permissions swiftly

o   Site assembly and de-risking sites

If you would like to showcase work you have done in your area please do send any information through to me Friday 29 November 2013. This is the deadline for case studies for the publication but we will still be happy to receive case studies after this date that we can include on our case studies database on the LGA's website. I will of course make sure I post the final publication on this forum!

Jo Allchurch, modified 10 Years ago.

REQUEST FOR CASE STUDIES: Partnership approaches to positive planning

New Member Posts: 16 Join Date: 21/10/11 Recent Posts

 A big thanks to those of you who have already got in contact with case studies - much appreciated! If any of you are still keen to send something through to me the deadline has been extended to Wednesday 4 December. I know there's huge numbers of good examples out there and this is your chance to showcase what you have been doing. Contact details: or if you want to call to discuss further please give me a ring on 07900 931045.