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Lorna Coldicott, modifié il y a 10 années.


New Member Publications: 19 Date d'inscription: 12/08/13 Publications Récentes

We are currently running our G&T Preferred Options consultation. We have no sites currently within the district so have no examples to show anyone. We are however, being asked by members of the public where we can show them that there are successful sites (particularly private, permanent sites) already up and running so that they can see what it could be like.

Do you have a successful site in your district? Can you give me some details please? Importantly, do you have any photos that you could share with us please?

It would be really helpful if I could demonstrate that there are some successful and well run sites in existence to allay some of the fears, since all we usually get here are those rather untidy travellers who are passing through and leave land in a mess for the Council to clear up - so all negative perceptions.

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