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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Bringing empty homes back into use

Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Bringing empty homes back into use

I am currently responding to reps on our Revised Preferred Draft Core Strategy and as some of you have probably experienced, many people dont want additional new housing at the level we are proposing! Several comments relate to the re-use of empty properites within our district. Is anyone aware of a mechanism/ guidance whereby the re-use of empty properties can be used to offset the housing target?
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Bringing empty homes back into use

They cannot count towards the housing target set in the regional spatial strategy - this has to be comprised of new dwellings. At least one local authority has tried and failed with this argument in the past.
Former Member, modified 12 Years ago.

Re: Bringing empty homes back into use

A neighbouring local authority of ours has managed to obtain a view from CLG on this which as I understand it seems to say neither 'no' nor 'yes'. So perhaps it is a matter for 'local' judgement backed up of course by barrow loads of evidence.