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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Setting requirements with a cost implication in an SPD.

Simon Pickstone, modified 11 Years ago.

Setting requirements with a cost implication in an SPD.

Advocate Posts: 104 Join Date: 22/04/13 Recent Posts
PPS1 Supplement: Planning and Climate Change (Par. 33) stated: "Any policy relating to local requirements for decentralised energy supply to new development or for sustainable buildings should be set out in a DPD, not a supplementary planning document, so as to ensure examination by an independent Inspector". The NPPF which has superseded it states (Par. 153): "Supplementary planning documents should be used where they can help applicants make successful applications or aid infrastructure delivery, and should not be used to add UNNECESSARILY to the financial burdens on development". This means that SPDs can now add to the financial burden on developers and not get independantly examined provided it is considered 'necessary'? Would anybody care to explain WHO gets to decide what is 'necessary' and what is not...and what exactly the definition of 'necessary' is in this context?? Thanks in advance.