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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Called-in planning applications

John Theobald, modified 15 Years ago.

Called-in planning applications

Enthusiast Posts: 61 Join Date: 19/10/11 Recent Posts
We have an application that has been 'called-in' for determination by the Secretary of State. The complete application and representations have been available online for the public to view during its time assigned to a planning officer. Now the application is 'called-in' and thus assigned to the SOS and out of our hands, do we still make the letters of representations/comments available to the public on the internet? We would normally 'hide' these when the application is closed on our Uniform/Public Access systems. Can anybody advise how they treat 'called-in' applications on there systems? Many thanks, John