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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - Yesterday

Assessing the carbon uplift or neutrality of development proposals

Former Member, modified 13 Years ago.

Assessing the carbon uplift or neutrality of development proposals

I am advising on a scheme where the proposal is to demolish one house in a rural settlement and replace it with two. We consider that we can demonstrate that the two new houses built to Code 5 will be more energy effecient and emit less carbon than the current 1930s house. At Code 5 it will also have space for dry bicycle storage and home working under ene 8 and ene9 of the CSH. A regular 20 min bus service to a large city and nearby key settlements plus a train station stops right outside the site. Does anyone have any experience of attempting to measure and mitigate for any adverse increase in traffic generation and hence carbon emmissions through the one additional house? What we propose is to examine whether any possible negative additional car use is mitigated by; greater use of bus services through purchasing free bus travel; providing increased broadband speed; facilitating internet shopping; enhancing local delivery of prescriptions/health care or other home delivery opportunities; green travel village co-ordinator facilitating safer use of trips by bicycle; and reducing car bounrne trips to local school through mini bus hire. There are likely to be many more ideas that the good folk on this forum could come up with. Does anyone have any experience on this and lessons learnt both from the applicant and LPA side of the fence? Any lessons on experiences of seeking to bring about cultural change in travel patterns plus the pitfalls of sec 106, uniltlaterall undertakings plus the enforceability of consitions would be gratefully received.