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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Open group | Started - July 2012 | Last activity - May

Delegation to Parishes...

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

Delegation to Parishes...

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone out there has delegated the making of decisions on simple householders (or any apps for that matter!) to Town and Parish Councils. Seems a big brave move (and almost incredible to think about) but I've heard mention of it in despatches...would be interesting to hear from anyone who has, or anyone who has considered it and thought better of it...


Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

HI Paul

I know that Arun council have tried this - started about last March. Don' know how successful it has been though. 

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

Magic, thanks Alice!
Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

Hi Paul,

Has your legal department given an opinion that the proposal is lawful? I'd be interested to know what legislation permits such delegation. 

Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

Hi Tony

Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 enables a Local Authority to arrange for the discharge of any of its functions by another Local Authority.



Sarah Iles, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

New Member Posts: 3 Join Date: 12/08/13 Recent Posts


Speak to Andrew Dudley at Melton Borough Council - I believe they delegated some of their enforcement function to the Parishes.  Although different to determinming applications, he might be able to guide you on what pitfalls to look out for.




Former Member, modified 9 Years ago.

RE: Delegation to Parishes...

Thanks Sarah!