Case studies


Engaging the sector on heritage matters


Creating a safe and trusted environment

In 2017 we undertook an independent review of our training courses. These courses were delivered to local authority officers and those with a heritage, planning or environmental role. We wanted a way of keeping contact with course participants – to help them “reach back” and stay in touch and set up a new group.

Initially, colleagues were reluctant and nervous about posting in the main training group. We needed more discreet groups – a trusted and safer environment for only those participants who were on the same course. This led to us needing more groups to support our different training areas. So, in early 2018 we created the Heritage Workspace digital network on Knowledge Hub to support the delivery of all our training courses.


The platform provided a good fit with our local authority audience and central government advisors on heritage matters.


Edmund Lee, Sector Resilience Manager at Historic England

Read the full case study.

Connecting peers across and beyond Scotland

Creating a national directory of working groups and people

The Improvement Service has been using Knowledge Hub since its inception in 2012. With a devolved government, communities have greater power and as a knowledge management organisation we wanted a place to bring people together – local government, national government and its partners – to share best practice, discuss new ideas, and build on work together.

Working at the centre of local and national government and delivery projects locally, the Scottish Public Service Network (SPSN) on Knowledge Hub enables us to connect to the wider world – with colleagues in England and across the UK – sharing expertise, practice and ideas across the country. With a dispersed audience, Knowledge Hub is holistic in its approach and the advantage is that it creates a searchable national directory of working groups and people’s skills and expertise.

Mike McLean, Knowledge and Collaboration Manager at the Improvement Service for Scotland

Read the full case study.

The St Andrew's Cross on a flag pole
Join groups, make connections, discover knowledge.