Collaboration groups
Digital Collaboration Groups

Why Digital Collaboration Groups?
- Activity stream and email notifications: catch up on contributions.
- Identity: add your own logo to raise brand awareness.
- Discussion forum: ask questions, have conversations, problem solve, share experiences.
- Library: upload, share and organise content.
- Real-time document collaboration and wiki pages: work on documents together.
- Ideas: generate and vote on ideas, challenges, and suggestions.
- Member directory: find and connect with peers and send messages.
- Events: promote, organise, and manage forthcoming events.
- Polls: ask your members key questions and share results.
- Administration tools: manage and monitor your group; communicate with members.
Knowledge Hub Digital Collaboration Groups
Free or low-cost collaboration spaces helping you effectively communicate, collaborate, and connect with stakeholders, partners, and colleagues.
Exchange knowledge and experience in secure communities of practice, project groups and workspaces.
Groups can be open, access controlled or hidden and include collaboration tools, such as discussions, shared libraries and news listings.
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- Improved efficiency: less email traffic, pooled knowledge, and resources.
- Time and money saved: less duplication of effort.
- Acquire new skills: knowledge management, facilitation, digital collaboration.
- Inspire innovation through new ways of working and connected intelligence.
- Trusted, secure (https), UK-hosted, mobile responsive.
- No set up fees, no maintenance, hosting, or upgrade costs.
- Quick set up time: can be established within minutes.
- Unlimited data storage and users.
- Expert technical, online and community and knowledge management support.
- Community-led development path and platform-wide upgrades.

Join groups, make connections, discover knowledge.