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Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe


REBECCA STADDON, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Advocate Postiadau: 103 Dyddiad Ymuno: 05/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar


I have chased the submission of a Commencement Notice for a CIL site that has been granted self-build relief.

The liable party has contacted me to advise that he submitted the Commencement Notice several months ago and then commenced his development.

I have not received the Commencement Notice and in the Regs this invalidates his self-build relief claim.

Has this happened to any of you before and how did you deal with it, as obviously anyone could say that they had already submitted it.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Beckie Staddon 

Daniel Hudson, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Advocate Postiadau: 121 Dyddiad Ymuno: 25/04/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

 I think that unless the liable party can prove that he submitted the commencement notice, the development has commenced and exceptions are null and void. The following possibilities occur to me;

1) He advised someone at the Council (by phone,letter or e-mail)  that he was commencing the development without using the form, in which case it does not have legal status and           exemptions are null and void. Perhaps whoever recieved the call/e-mail/letter was not aware of its relevance to CIL.

2) The form was recieved and has gone missing at the Council end - having been directed to the wrong department who didn't know what it was or who it was for.

If this were the case - and there is proof - it would be reasonable to accept that notice has been served in line with the regs and process the exemption.

Do you have a process for acknowledging reciept ahead of issuing the Demand Notice?.

3) He didn't submit anything and is making the whole thing up

Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Regulation 67(4) says that the collecting authority must send an acknowledgement of the receipt of the commencement notice (CN) to the person who submitted it. So until the applicant receives confirmation that the authority has the CN, it could be argued that their development shouldn't commence. I'd guess this is where the "must be later than the day before the day development is due to commence..." guidance comes in (Reg67(1)) - to allow the authority chance to confirm receipt before commencement.  If I was a developer, I'd want to receive all confirmations so as not to risk my relief!  As it stands they've lost the relief.  It's up to them to prove they submitted the CN, or try an appeal.
REBECCA STADDON, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Advocate Postiadau: 103 Dyddiad Ymuno: 05/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Thanks Guys, at least we all seem to be in agreement. I have asked my legal team for their viewpoint but as it stands at the moment I will be advising that they have lost their relief and will have to try an appeal if they see fit.

I also cheked the wording of my CIL Liability Notice and it states: ‘On receipt of the Commencement Notice the Council will issue a Demand Notice to the liable person(s) setting out the total CIL chargeable amount payable on commencement of the development and precise details of payment arrangements.’ 

As the Demand Notice was not received I feel this should have alerted the liable party to the fact that the Commencement Notice had not been received.

His argument is that there is nothing to say he has to wait for acknowledgement of said Commencement Notice.

Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.



This is a difficult one given the financial consequences for a self-builder. It's likely that most self-builders would not realise that they should receive an acknowledgement of receipt of a Commencement Notice. Therefore I don't think that it is reasonable to say that the non-receipt of of a acknowledgement should have been questioned.

The prescribed Liability Notice does not say that a Commencement Notice must be submitted. We however snd them with a covering letter that points out in bild type that a AOL Notice and a Commencement Notice must be given to us before development commences. Do you do the same?

Inthe case of full exemption being granted, there is no need/point in issuing a zero Demand Notice and we do not do so. I would think that most people would not expect to receive a zero Demand Notice either.

REBECCA STADDON, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Advocate Postiadau: 103 Dyddiad Ymuno: 05/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar


Our Liability Notices advise that a valid CIL Commencement Notice must be received prior to work commenceing on site and that on receipt of this Commencement Notice a Demand Notice will be issued.

We do issue demand notices for zero amounts.

I completely understand and agree with your viewpoint regarding the financial implications for the liable party (a self-builder) but the Regulations seem to be very clear, indeed they state that I can add a surcharge for not having received a valid Commencement Notice!

If this is not enforced what is to stop any self builder that forgets to send a Commencement Notice saying that they did send one and blaming the post office?  


Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Our letter granting self-build exemption explains the need for the submission of a commencement notice and and the consequences of not providing one. Therefore any self-builder  in our area has no reasonable excuse for not complying. However there still remains the genuine possibility of a commencement notice going missing in the post. I'm not sure how we would deal with that situation. Perhaps we need to consider rewording the exemption grant letter to add that the commencement notice will be acknowledged (which we do do) and that if an acknowledgement is not received, we should be contacted.   
Former Member, Addaswyd 9 Years yn ôl.


Our Liability Notices also set out that a Commencement Notice (CN) and an Assumption of Liability form are required before commencement, explains the penalties that apply if these are not received, sets out that we will acknowledge receipt of the CN and sets out that a Demand Notice will be issued shortly after the CN is received.

We also issue demand notices for zero amounts – for consistency and completeness of record.

At most stages of the CIL admin process, the regs say we need to acknowledge the form or notice we receive, which serves to provide the applicant with confirmation that they have met each of the CIL requirements. It’s therefore in the applicant’s interest to ensure they receive them. You’re right in that there’s nothing stated in the regs to say the developer has to wait for confirmation of receipt of the CN.  But if developers are aware that they should receive a CN receipt, or a Demand Notice (DN), then surely the absence of a receipt, or DN, should then raise alarm bells that the CN hasn’t been received/recorded by the council and place the onus on the developer to check receipt, rather than risk the Council deem a commencement and subsequently lose their relief?  Otherwise, it will be all too easy to say forms have been lost in post.