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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Heddiw

Local Design Guide

Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

Local Design Guide

Has anybody produced a useable design guide for their local area please?  I'm told that the introduction of the NPPF has encouraged most LPAs to cull many of their specific development management policies from their new local plans, in favour of a development management framework, within which the regulatory team are expected to operated with consistency and even handedness.  The NPPF guidance also takes aim view of excessive and onerous conditions and officers are seeking to reduce the number and complexity of these when permission is given.  Unfortunately, this unwritten policy approach, makes elected members very uneasy when it comes to the consideration of major developments at committee and their wish to seek assurances that some of the seemingly minor details have been adequately addressed.  Our planning policy team tell me that a general but detailed statement on design in our new Local Plan, will be used to guide the team when considering planning applications.  My concern is, that as we approach the point of unofficial sign off by our council - we have a joint committee, formed with a neighbouring council, with executive powers, so in theory it can't be stalled - the plan will be criticised and then lack support once in place, because of its perceived policy deficit.   I'm looking at asking our policy development panel to work up a local design guide, to address some of the concerns that are regularly raised during the consultation period and committee debate and could be overlooked with policy cover.  This would then be part of the recommended five year review/refresh we are now all encouraged to start working on the day after adoption!