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Planning Informatives

Sarah Lapsley, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

Planning Informatives

We’ve just been granted permission for a single turbine for a householder to go off grid. Just a small turbine with 17.8m blade tip height, located 40m from a bridleway and about 60m from a footpath. The Council’s Public Rights of Way team recommended an informative that the turbine should be at least three times blade tip height from the bridleway. This has been included in the permission but only as an informative and not a condition. Condition 1 sets out the approved plan references including the site layout plan which has the red line boundary wrapped tightly around the turbine and cable route so to move it would require a new permission.


My issue, given that informatives have no statutory basis can we ignore the advice from the PROW team to locate the turbine 53m from the bridleway given that the permission essentially approves the turbine location as is? 

Ed Murphy, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Planning Informatives

New Member Postiadau: 16 Dyddiad Ymuno: 12/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar


It's an informative, therefore not binding, and an informative cannot take away a permission granted for development identified and/or limited by the location and extent of 'the red line' acknowledged by the LPA to be part of the approved plans.  If the LPA was concerned about proximity to the PROW it could either have refused PP or negotiated a revised application that overcame the concerns.  Your client has an implementable PP tied to the red line.  I think the LPA has erred, with the decision-maker inadequately scrutinising the decision.  You could write to the LPA to get them to comment on the validity of the informative?  If the client is still nervous, maybe an application for a CLOPUD is one (time-consuming) option that could clear the matter up?

Sarah Lapsley, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Planning Informatives

Ed, thank you very much for your response. That essentially confirms what I was thinking about the informative. I had also thought that as there is a single pre-commencement condition, I could include as part of the submission a confirmation that the application will be built in accordance with the approved plans i.e. in the approved location as indicated by the red line boundary shown on the site layout plan. 
Ed Murphy, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: Planning Informatives

New Member Postiadau: 16 Dyddiad Ymuno: 12/08/2013 Bostiadau diweddar
Excellent idea, Sarah - kill two birds with one stone.  Interested to hear in due course if they take issue with it.