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inconsistent plans

Kevin Dodd, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

inconsistent plans

New Member Postiadau: 4 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/09/2016 Bostiadau diweddar
We're located in Bristol area and have just purchased an old Byre with planning consent.  After purchasing we've noticed that on the elevations there is an additional door to the front, however this does not appear on the floor plan.  The plans are approved and there is no reference to this inconsistency in the officers report.  Does that mean we are able to do either?
Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: inconsistent plans

Yes, in that scenario it's effectively approved either way, because it would be impossible to successfully take enforcement action. I can't imagine any circumstance in which the council would try to tell you otherwise, but if you wanted to be really really risk averse you could check with them that they won't be silly about it. 

(I think there would be significantly more risk if it was on the floorplans but not the elevations, because it would not be fully 'described'.) 


Kevin Dodd, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: inconsistent plans

New Member Postiadau: 4 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/09/2016 Bostiadau diweddar


Thanks for the response, it is actually the other way, apologies. It's a door on the floor plan but not the elevation.  As such given your comments would you still think it is approved either way. It would be nice to have the door which will act more of a window to let light in but I had only looked at the elevations in depth so it is something I had not bargained for.  When you mention risk are you referring to potential enforcement action given its not on the elevations. I note a 1:20 window and door design must be provided as a condition so assume will be picked up then also.


Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: inconsistent plans

In that case you should definitely discuss it with the Council. Get in touch with the original planning officer if you can. Good luck! 
Kevin Dodd, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: inconsistent plans

New Member Postiadau: 4 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/09/2016 Bostiadau diweddar
I guess the outcome will be I can go with one or the other depending on her opinion?
Former Member, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

RE: inconsistent plans

I think it does depend on her opinion in the first instance. But if not having the door/window is your preference, it's hard to see how that could be a problem. Generally the preference is to minimise changes to buildings when you convert them. But these things are at the discretion of the planner so it's best to check if you want peace of mind.