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Biodiversity net gain - what's going on?

Rebecca Moberly, Addaswyd 3 Years yn ôl.

Biodiversity net gain - what's going on?

New Member Postiadau: 23 Dyddiad Ymuno: 31/03/2021 Bostiadau diweddar

PAS has been commissioned by Defra to support councils in their efforts to get ready for mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). To kick this new project off, we are running three workshops to get input from local planners and help decide how to focus this support and what the priorities should be. These have proved really popular and we have a waiting list already.

To help us prepare for the workshops and also to get anyone that hasn't been able to sign up involved, we'd be keen to get your views on what your biggest issue or worry is about BNG and the Environment Bill, plus what you most want to know about it. Also good to understand what you're already doing on BNG in your council.



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