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Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

I've finally made the jump over to this forum from the original PAS forum and am not impressed. There are loads of tantalising links to other posts and blogs down the right hand side of the page but none of the links work! I get emails when there is a new post but the link in the email doesn't take me to the thread. All very frustrating, and stuff that wasn't broke on the original PAS forum. It seems as though fewer people are posting on here and the level of debate and information sharing appears much reduced. Is this a matter of concern for PAS?

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Hello John

thanks for your comments and I'm sorry that the new arrangement isn't working so well for you. Of course it is a matter of concern for us; if our users don't like our stuff and find it useful, then we've failed.  Useage is a bit down, but no more than would be expected when you make this kind of change. 

We had to move over to a new platform (we had no choice, the old platform was being closed down) and the old style of discussion fourms couldn't work in the same way. As you say, on the new forum there are lots of links to other useful stuff and we'll look into the broken link issue.

I know that there are some 'corporate' techie issues that need to be resolved that are affecting the PAS bits.  Will also look into why the email thread links don't work (they do for me). 

Please stick with us. It will get sorted. 


PAS programme manager

Ian McDonald, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Enthusiast Postiadau: 70 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/05/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

This is not a criticism but I would like to say I didn't receive any notifications since the PAS forum was closed.  I knew the PAS forum was being replaced by the new Knowledge Hub and I had assumed that the notifications system would continue.  Yesterday I visited the Knowledge Hub when I realised I haven't received any notifications for a while (must be months now).  I didn't know that I have to click 'send updates' for topics I am interested in - I thought this was unfair because I couldn't remember nor find all the other topics I used to receive notifications from PAS e.g. several topics relating to five year supply and housing trajectory. I think there is little usage at the moment because users are not receiving notifications to read latest posts (unless they re-registered and click 'send updates' on the topics to be notified). Perhaps Knowledge Hub team should consider sending an email to ex-PAS users to promote the Knowledge Hub and tell them to use 'send updates' function to keep up to date with the latest treads/posts. Just a thought.

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Thanks for the reply Alice, and I do know what it's like to have ICT 'solutions' imposed on you :-)

The content provided by PAS is very useful as ever. I will stick with you and cross my fingers.

Richard Crawley, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Expert Postiadau: 256 Dyddiad Ymuno: 07/12/2011 Bostiadau diweddar


Ian when you say "notifications" what do you mean ? I ask because a tricky situation was made trickier by the demise of a service that we used to promote that did updates on specific threads (feed by inbox I think it was called). 

FWIW we're all slightly discombobulated by the new arrangements also. If and when I work out a way of receiving updates that is less clunky I'll be sure to share. 

There are so many groups and things I think that twitter may be the answer (can't believe I just said that).

Ian McDonald, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Enthusiast Postiadau: 70 Dyddiad Ymuno: 15/05/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

Notifications = updates.  What I meant is an email arriving in your inbox telling you there is a new post on the discussion you have participated (or are interested in). Just like I received an email just now telling me that someone have posted a reply to this discussion (i.e. you). I think PAS used to send updates for the posts where you have participated in a discussion as well as any posts for the forum group(s) that you are interested in. I haven't received any of updates since Knowledge Hub took over.

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

Hi Ian, I agree that we should send an email to the whole group to make sure everyone knows that they have to select 'send updates' to get an email notification. We can put something in our monthly newsletter as well.

The good news is that forum activity is gradually picking up since the initial dip after the transfer, and we are now working on ways to improve it further. 

As for the broken links in the 'related content' section on the right, I have flagged this to the Knowledge Hub team and will report back when I have an update.

I hope its not been too disruptive. We will get this sorted.



Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Knowledge Hub Forum vs PAS Forum

I agree with the comments made, I receive considerably less notifications than previuosly and threads I was interested in seem to have dissappeared.

It i very difficult to actually find where the actual forums are to ensure you are signed up.

Also when I do receive the PAS update from the knowledge hub there are so many links, but none of them take you direct to the thread you wnat to read.  It took several attempts before i found the 'read more' link to get to this thread.

I understand that the new system has been imposed, but unless steps are made to improve it, use will most likely decline.