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Performance Management

Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Case/Performance Management

We are looking to improve our Performance Management of Development Control by implementing a system (or systems) that allow us to: - monitor the status of individual applications (e.g. RAG status) in real-time - do aggregated RAG reporting by case officer, team and department - see what work is outstanding on an application at a given time - compare performance against BVPI 109a/b/c targets in a variety of ways, e.g. my team, individual, ward, policy area, etc. - generate alerts as soon as an application changes status from G to A or from A to R - monitors the time spent by a case officer on each major activity within each application - tracks work allocated to other teams, e.g. Highways - tracks work allocated to external partners, e.g. specialist consultants And we would like this to be driven by data in Uniform wherever practicable. Does anybody have something that does anything like this? Matthew Rees Business Transformation Manager LB Lambeth
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

case/performance mgt

we have a tool that does almost exactly what you are looking for. it was developed in-house and is no more than an excel spreadsheet that grabs data from our APAS system every 5 mins. it has all the details on stage of application, how long each step has taken, BVPI data, total time to process, number of applications done per month, individual officer performance and productivity etc etc. all officers have access to this and results are communicated monthly so everyone knows where they are. give me a call if you want more details. Alasdair Robertson Business Operations Manager Maidstone Borough Council
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Case/Performance Management

In Camden we use Crystal to create all the reports you mention above as it can query any field holding any kind of information. Downside to Crystal is its expense (ours came bundled with MVM/Panorama) and the training needed to properly exploit its abilities (a four day course!) Michael Anderson Planning Performance Manager London Borough of Camden
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Case/performance management

Richard, Thanks for posting that. RBWM was already on our "must contact" list as a google search picked up this document: DEVELOPMENT CONTROL REVISED OUTCOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN & BEST VALUE INSPECTION BEST VALUE AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE: 11 JULY 2006 OFFICER REPORTING: DAVID TRIGWELL: HEAD OF PLANNING Please contact me so that we can share experiences in more depth. Regards, Matthew Rees Business Transformation Manager Strategy and Corporate Services London Borough of Lambeth
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Performance Management

Further to Michael Anderson's comment, we also use Crystal Reports. It was prohibitively expensive to install on every officer's PC so i did some research and found a product called CVIEW which is basically a Crystal Report reader. It enables the input of new parameters and can refresh the report. An export function is also included. This cost around £200 for a 10-user license. Further details at Officers now refresh reports written using Crystal as and when they need to which gives them a live snapshot of the status of their applications. A management report is also available which gives an overview of caseload and team performance etc.