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pre-application discussions

Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre-appliaction discussions

I would like to know if there is any way of finding out how many local authorities outside London charge potential applicants for pre-application advice. The ability to charge was enabled by the Local Government Act 2003, and I just wonder what the take-up rate has been. Is there any way of finding out? Mike Gilbert
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

pre-application discussions

We're just starting this now in Maidstone. we're looking at a flat rate for advice on majors and minors and free advice for householders. the later will include help on submitting valid applications as our current rate of invalids is poor and very expensive! providing this advice on submitting valid applications more than pays for itself and is probably a bigger impact on resources than charged for advice! give me a call if you want to discuss the details
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre-appliaction discussions

Hertsmere are looking to introduce pre-app charging from April 2007. We are still deciding on the way to achieve this but are likely to base it around the approach taken at neighbouring St Albans. I have a copy of the repot they prepared at the time if you could like to see it - contact We will not be charging for householders submitting on their own behalf.
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre-application discussions

The only scheme i have seen full details of is Westminster's. Is this only a Southern phenomenon? In Hull we have recently decided not to charge so as not to deter development interest.
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre-application discussions

We have been charging for nearly a year now at Ashford - not a huge income stream but little evidence that it has deterred pre-app discussions - in fact people seem to respond positively if they get clear advice followed up with an agreed note of the discussion. We do not apply the scheme to householder applications. If you'd like details please contact Martin Vink here.
Former Member, Addaswyd 17 Years yn ôl.

Pre application discussions

I understand that Lewes District Council have been charging for some time. The information is freely available on their website Seems to be that developers take the LPA more seriously when they charge and think twice about asking for meeting after meeting yet not showing much progress!!
Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Pre-appliaction discussions

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