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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Heddiw

Re: Advice re Approval of Materials Planning condition

Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Advice re Approval of Materials Planning condition

Hi, hoping to get some advice regarding an application to get materials approved. We're in the situation where we're waiting to get materials approved on our extension but due to lack of knowledge of the process involved and having been given the impression that it was a mere formality, our application was only submitted once building work had started. We're now in the classic situation of work grinding to a halt as we can go no further without approval. Or can we? All materials we're using are matching existing. The only difference is that whilst the windows will look the same, they'll be made of white painted alumnium rather than pvc. On this basis, what level of risk is there in going ahead whilst waiting for the written approval to come through? Would the fact that we've gone ahead negatively impact our application - are retrospective applications more likely to be rejected because they're retrospective, or does it make no difference - the materials are judged on their own 'merits'? Alternatively, can anyone advise if there's a way of getting the approval process speeded up - I've read on this site that "authorities should endeavour to respond within 21 days for simple approvals" - but will pointing this out to our local planning department be a help or a hindrence?! Many thanks in advance Bibi
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Advice re Approval of Materials Planning condition

Retrospectively securing compliance with a condition should in no way affect the suitability of the materials you have submitted - they are either appropriate for the scheme or they're not. In other words, the application isn't going to be turned down simply to give you a slap on the wrist! You may have an issue with the windows though. Eg. is the site in a conservation area? - what did the approved drawings stipulate, if anything? Issues like this could give grounds for the council refusing a window material that they weren't expecting and which they don't think is appropriate for the extension. The key question is whether the windows you want to install look materially different from what is on the approved drawings, especially if no specific material was stated in the application. Indeed, will these windows be the same as windows in the rest of the house? It will normally be best for matching windows to be used throughout a property - if you're also replacing existing windows (and that doesn't normally need consent) the planner will take that into account. Do try and speak to the planning officer or meet them on site if they have the time - this may help speed up the processing, but there's no firm means of quickening the process I'm afraid.
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Advice re Approval of Materials Planning condition

Thanks for your reply Andrew. All the materials were detailed on the planning application, so nothing should come as a suprise to them. However, we are in a conservation area so I know they're particularly careful with materials around here. I've attempted to speak to the planning officer without success (think they're probably inundated with householders trying to speed things up!), but have booked in to see the duty planning officer for my area later this week and will see if I have any luck. If they can give me some reassurance I think I will go ahead as the house is very cold without windows(!) and there is also the security issue of everything being unsecure with some handy scaffolding for access... Thanks again for your advice Bibi