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Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We have been running a CSS for agents, for many years, using a format similar to BV111. In 2010, we switched from a paper based system (ie a questionnaire form sent out with each Notice of Decision) to an email with a link to our website. This was part of a drive to electronic rather than paper communication, and now all our NoDs go this way. But, despite us thinking that doing it on line would be easier, the numbers of completed forms has dropped, and despite our best efforts at user group meetings and in our E Bulletins to encourage take up, we have not been able to reverse the trend. This year we launched a CSS aimed at local residents/groups who get involved in the planning application process, again using an online approach, but so far take up (ie number of completed forms) has been disappointingly low. It would be interesting to hear from others who runs similar CSS surveys, about their rate of return and whether paper is better than electronic, or have some councils stopped running such surveys?
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Hi Brian, Whilst we're not a council, we are very interested in customer feedback. We just started a new process where we are emailing event delegates a few months down the line to see if, having had some time to process the learning/thinking/opportunities from the events, they think it was worthwhile and what could we do better next time. I sent the first of these two weeks ago. Email design here: Inspired by: The email was opened by 46% of the 230 recipients with 33% of recipients clicking one of the rating ‘faces’ and 17% completing the online survey (this despite a known issue where council IT depts are blocking the Google form we are using). I think that is OK. I do know that the returns for the customer satisfaction surveys that are being done as part of the benchmarking club have been considerably lower. We intend to publish our results along with what we’ll be doing in response. I hope this will encourage people to respond next time as they can see that we are listening and doing something in response to their comments. Are you tracking opens/clicks for your emails? Can you ID where people are ‘falling out’ of the feedback process? Cheers, John.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Thanks for that John, we do know that all the emails with the css link are opened, as everyone is keen to see their Notice of Decision which is attached. Maybe we should think about sending it as a separate email, then we could do more monitoring eg how many were opened etc. Re Benckmarking customer satisfaction, in Nov 2010 we sent out the cards, this time we have used the electronic version, so it will be interesting to see if there is a difference in take up.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Yeah, I'd imagine a request for feedback could get easily lost alongside the decision notice, though you might be able to counter this with a strong visual design. Makes me think about this university acceptance letter discussed on Edward Tufte's website: It would be interesting to see the results of any trial of sending it separately - perhaps a week, fortnight or month after the decision notice and see how the open/clickthrough rates compare. I'm not sure how much contact you have with applicants post-decision but you would be covering that then, too... John.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Thanks John, lots to think about, and I am attracted to the clickable faces to give an instant headline rating, and something we will pursue.
Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Hi - revisting an old subject.

What good examples are there out there re customer satisfaction surveys.

Looking to reintroduce later in 2013/14.



John Theobald, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Enthusiast Postiadau: 61 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
We used to do annual user surveys to recent Agents/applicants. This was last done late 2008. The reason we haven't done one in recent times was the low response rate that occurred during the last couple of rounds. I was definitely picking up in some that did respond that questionnaire fatigue had set it. Hence, we gave it a break! I think regular agents particularly suffered from this, obviously. What I recall, the response rate was in the region of 25%, not brilliant. It would be interesting to see the PAS findings after such a break in our district. John
Steve Foster, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

New Member Postiadau: 7 Dyddiad Ymuno: 24/05/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
Alternative to emails/questionnaires: phone calls to a random sample of service users, e.g. agents for all decisions sent in week x. Ask for a score out of ten, and what could be done to make it a ten. It helps if you have had a quick look at the database first. Advantages: the randomised sample gives good quality data; users are able to identify what is important to them (in their own words); the service can have an option to raise specific points identified by the service itself. Agents seems to like the personal contact and the chance to give direct feedback. Those making the calls enjoy getting positive feedback.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

@john - unlikely to hit 25%, I think. @steve - like this very much. have you done this? be interesting to hear about what you found out and if you've changed anything in response (& what kind of things?) Cheers, John.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Steve, very interested in your telephone survey, could I call you about it ? If you could drop me an email with some contact details
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We are about to launch our Customer Survey satisfaction on 5th September. This is the 3rd year that we have run a survey. The take up in 2009 was a return of 601 questionnairs including 31% on line responses and in 2010 only 235 responses again with 31% on line. We are trying to push for a better response this year with printed forms, e-forms on website and internal intranet site. Its a lot of work but good to get customer feedback.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We have found that even with controversial regeneration consultations that we at best received a 10% online and 90% paper based split. Many people that work on computers do not like to go online in their out of hours time and there is still a significant proportion of the public that do not use ICT. Good practice would also suggest a variety of consultation measures rather than relying on one approach. (sorry, used to be the consultation lead in East Devo prior to moving into the planning field).
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Hi Sharon, I would like to find out more on what Plymouth are doing, can you drop me an email to Thanks
Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Hi Kelvin, seems a long time since myfirst post on this!! But we have now run a CSS for users of the planning system, ie agents/applicants, for the last 2 years.  The 2013 results are here.  We have lots of free text comments, and we are working on a second report responding to the themes made in the comments.

We are also (1 Oct 2013) doing a Building Regulations & Standards one.

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We've also run one Kelvin as part of benchmarking, feel free to copy any of the format/questions

As it happens we've been compiling some findings from this survey based on the last 2 rounds of benchmarking (June 2013 & November 2012), hope to have something to share soon. 

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Thanks Both


Richard Crawley, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Expert Postiadau: 256 Dyddiad Ymuno: 07/12/2011 Bostiadau diweddar


We achieved a response rate of around 7% ish. 

Here is an anonymous, aggregated national summary of the postcards. Any comments gratefully received as I'm waaaaaaaay too close to it to know whether it makes sense or not. 

FWIW I'm pretty sure in my own mind that QR (or whatever the next big thing is) is the next step. Hassle your ICT provider. Without it, you can't link the responses to the type of work. And without that you can't apply any weighting. And I have a sneaky feeling it would improve response rate because people like playing with their phones. 



Ann Howells, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

New Member Postiadau: 5 Dyddiad Ymuno: 21/01/2012 Bostiadau diweddar

This has been very useful. At the begining of the year Uttlesford sent out a survey with each decision and had 1 response. Not helpful. But looking at how it has been tackled from other Council's and we have sent out 1 survey to all applicant/agents that have submitted an application in a one year period, The first week and we have received 78 electronic responses with two weeks left I feel we should have some useful data.   Bryan I would appreciate seeing a copy of your Building Regulations Survey would you be kind enough to email me a copy?     Thanks                                                        Ann

Former Member, Addaswyd 10 Years yn ôl.

Development Management Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Hi Ann, the survey is still live and I will send you the link.  Once it is closed, I am happy to post a further comment on how it went.