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Historic England consulting on revised piling and archaeology guidance

Robin Page, Addaswyd 5 Years yn ôl.

Historic England consulting on revised piling and archaeology guidance

New Member Postiadau: 22 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

The public body, Historic England, that helps care for England’s historic environment is seeking views on its revised draft guidance for piling. First published in 2007, the guidance is aimed at local planning authorities, developers and contractors.

A group of engineers, local authority planning archaeologists, archaeological contractors and archaeologists from Historic England, have been working on revising the guidance, which will now align better with the National Planning Policy Framework. Having worked closely with sector partners to revise this document Historic England now wants to test the messages with a wider audience

The document strikes a balance between protecting archaeology and providing space for development. The aim of the guidance is to highlight ways in which the harm to archaeological deposits can be minimised through looking for creative ways to protect the majority of the archaeological remains on this site. The goal is to help all sides achieve a situation where development can take place but the majority of the archaeological deposits of a site are protected.

Public consultation on the document starts on the 1st July and runs until the end of the 1st August. You can find the draft guidance at