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Securing Resources for Joint Plans

Martin Hutchings, Addaswyd 2 Years yn ôl.

Securing Resources for Joint Plans

Enthusiast Postiadau: 30 Dyddiad Ymuno: 26/02/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Hello all – I am interested in hearing from those of you that are/have been involved in producing joint plans among 2 or more LPAs. The specific ‘ask’ is whether anyone has created a means (e.g. an MOU) to ‘secure’ a level of input from participating individual councils. I appreciate that many of these plans will have relied on general commitments to ‘work together’, but I just wondered if anyone has gone a little further to secure a minimum level of commitment – e.g. minimum committed amounts of time which each authority’s Planning Policy Team (or individual officers as appropriate) will dedicate to the preparation of the joint plan? Thanks.