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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Ddoe

radioactive waste disposal

Former Member, Addaswyd 15 Years yn ôl.

radioactive waste disposal

Some of you will be aware of the recent DEFRA/BERR white paper, 'Managing Radioactive Waste Safely: A Framework for Implementing Geological Disposal'. This sets out for the first time the voluntarism and partnership approach central government is proposing for the siting process for a geological disposal facility, including first steps for communities considering expressing an early no-commitment interest in taking part in this process. It also identifies the need to work with communities neighbouring those which are contemplating hosting a disposal facility. As local government institutions and other bodies decide how to respond to the emerging policy for radioactive waste management, the Geological Society is holding a one-day open meeting on Friday 24 October, to provide an opportunity for non-geologists with an interest in this area - whether from local government, NGOs, regulatory bodies, government departments or other scientific institutions - to find out what geologists are able to do (and what they cannot do) to support the process of siting and implementing a radioactive waste disposal facility. We also want to find out what your concerns are, and to bring together in discussion people with a wide range of views. Further details can be found at There is no charge for attending this event. I would be very pleased to hear from you if you would like to join us, if you have any suggestions about others in the local government and planning world who you think might be interested, or if you think there are other things the Geological Society could do to help. The Geological Society is the national geoscience society, and the professional institution for geologists in the UK. It is a registered charity.