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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Gorffenaf 2012 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - Wythnos yma

Fees consultation

Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Fees consultation

CLG has announced a consultation on fees today "This consultation paper seeks views on proposed changes to the planning application fees regime which would decentralise responsibility for setting fees to local planning authorities. We also propose to allow authorities to charge for resubmitted applications and to set higher fees for retrospective applications. Proposals will help to reduce the subsidising of planning applications by local taxpayers. If accepted and approved by Parliament, the changes would be implemented from April 2011, with a six month transition period until October 2011."
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Fees consultation

Don't forget your excellent work on "Where does all the money go" Phill PS, i assume the Rate Support Grant thingy will go down by the same amount
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Fees consultation

My understanding* is: - the RSG goes to your council to deliver lots of different services - it is going down, exact amounts still tbc but a fair chunk less over the next CSR - part of the RSG goes to planning, to supplement the money you get in fees - because you're able to fix your own fees at cost recovery levels, any RSG you needed to support DM is no longer required - you will still need some RSG, to support plan-making and other bits & bobs not covered under the fee regime (again, details tbc) - quite how much RSG you can "hand back" is dependent on lots of things, principally when you're able to set fees and what your application mix is. Will the reduction in RSG required as a result of locally set fees match the reduction in RSG required by your council as a result of the new settlement ? That, I suspect, is going to be an important question. We're going to be putting together our most significant response to a consultation ever. Building on the existing work we're going to try and find a fair, transparent, simple, cheap model that we can all use to set fees. More news soon. * note that all this relies on the fee consultation delivering a positive response !