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Quarter pane tests

Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Quarter pane tests

In a local plan I have seen that the LPA will apply “quarter pane” tests, which determine whether a material loss of daylight or sunlight would be incurred by a neighbouring property as a result of a development proposal. I have never heard of a "quarter pane test". When I googled it all I got was information about car quarter light window replacements! Does anyone know what a quarter pane test is or where this any guidance?
Former Member, Addaswyd 13 Years yn ôl.

Re: Quarter pane tests

Sounds like a reference to the BRE guide That a window in the plane of the inner window wall should receive no less than a quarter of annual probable sunlight hours (only applicable to windows which face within 90 degrees of due south) The skylight test is 27% (regardless of direction) very nearly a quarter as well. Imagine a wall - if around a 1/4 of it were paned it should pass the test - hence the 'quarter pane test' Heres a link