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CIL Social Housing relief - Right to Buy

Dean Brunton, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

CIL Social Housing relief - Right to Buy

Enthusiast Postiadau: 45 Dyddiad Ymuno: 10/10/2013 Bostiadau diweddar


Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with developments that have social housing relief but then receive an application for a right to buy within the disqualfying period? 

Have you withdrawn relief?

Reg53(3) states: The material disposal of a qualifying dwelling does not cause it to cease being a qualifying dwelling if—

(a)the proceeds of sale are spent on a qualifying dwelling;

but there aren't any accompanying notes to about if/when/where/how the new qualifying dwelling should be provided - is just putting in a general pot to buy new housing at some point acceptable or does the exact plot need to be identified at the time of the disposal of the dwelling?

Grateful for any advice.