
What's in a name

Lenny Henry was recently the guest editor on Radio 4 Today programme. He followed this up with an article in the Guardian describing the experience and continuing his campaign to address the under representation of black people in the creative industries. He doesn't use the expression  "black people" on one occasion he refers to a person of colour but throughout the article he talks of Black people, Asians and minority ethnics ( BAME). I have never heard of BAME before so I googled it and clearly it is a replacement for Black and minority ethnic ( BME). But I was unable to find an explanation for why this is now the preferred expression. I assume the specific reference to Asian people means that BAME better reflects the make up of our population than BME.  Can anyone add to my understanding of this change?

Blair McPherson

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

Ethnic groups: white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.) Highest growth. From April 2013 to April 2014, a total of 560,000 immigrants arrived in the UK, including 81,000 British citizens and 214,000 from other parts of the EU. The top countries represented in terms of arrivals were: China, India, Poland, United States, and Australia I guess Londoners have noticed who their landlords are.