
In difficult times what type of manager will make it to the top in 2015

These are difficult times for public sector managers some people think the business can do ok with a lot fewer of them. Managers must deliver savage budget reductions, cut services, make people redundant and keep the remaining staff motivated whilst their wages are frozen. When this has been achieved they will find themselves working for smaller and very different organisations and they will find they are no longer doing the same job.

What happens when the budget cuts have been made, when services have been outsourced and the workforce dramatically reduced? It wouldn't be the same type of organisation and the job of manager will be very different. For a start spans of responsibility will be much broader as a result of fewer management posts. Managers will be responsible for a range of services which they have no professional back ground in. A smaller Public Sector will have a different relationship with a bigger private and voluntary sector one based on influencing rather than determining. How will we equip managers for a very different and as yet uncertain future? How will we afford management development at a time when budgets are so tight?
Blair McPherson author of Equipping managers for an uncertain future published by Russell House


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