
Us and Them 

We pay well and promptly but can’t get the staff


“ They either do a poor job or are unreliable. It always starts well but then it quickly deteriorates.Either they stop trying so hard once they get the gig or despite agreeing how long the job will take they rush through it and unsupervised leave early, presumably to squeeze another job in. The consistently conscious worker turns out to be unreliable , frequently texting last minute to say they can’t come in due to some crisis. The reasons are sometimes more plausible that others, usually family or car troubles. We can be flexible and accommodating but reliability is important and messing about with arrangements gets very irritating. Which is why we do a lot of hiring and firing.” The Employer

They expect a lot for what they pay


“ We need the gig so we try extra hard so they will use us on a regular bases. We try and make sure the assessment of how long it will take to do the work is accurate. To make the work pay we need to squeeze in extra jobs whenever we can. If we can get it done quicker and move on to the next job what’s the problem! When we take on jobs employers are often very relaxed and flexible about days and timings but further down the road start to get arsey when we need to change days or times. They can also be very unsympathetic to personal circumstances or rather they claim to be sympathetic, say they understand but then they send a text saying they no longer need us. If you ask why they usually don’t bother replying.” The employee. 

Blair Mcpherson former Director author and blogger 

Mwy o Gofrestriadau Blog

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