Purple text reading 'CIfA: Chartered Institute for Archaeologists'

CIfA Carbon Reduction Network

Short description:

Our profession has a responsibility like any other to ensuring we are as sustainable as possible. In 2020 CIfA joined Climate Heritage Network and signed up to its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU commits organisations to meeting the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and the aspirations to be net-zero by 2050. Amongst the key aspects of the Paris Agreement, CIfA can particularly support the sharing of good practice and resources to support climate change education, training and implementation.

This Knowledge Hub group has been established to provide an informal online space to allow CIfA members to ask questions and share ideas and resources so that we can collectively improve our practices and respond to the climate crisis.

Organisation: Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
Host Platform: Knowledge Hub
Membership Type: Restricted
Year Started: June 2023
Community Size: 0-100
Activity Status: Active
Contact Email: OnlineCommunities@historicengland.org.uk
Topic: Climate Change Archaeology