
To wiki or not to wiki? (and 10 ways to get the best out of them)

Wiki: collaborative editing by members

We’ve all heard of Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. They create, update and moderate content that is accessible to everyone. Wikis can also be excellent tools when applied to online groups.

Groups are finding the wiki useful because it allows members to easily co-create and present information without the need to email documents and create multiple versions. The wiki simply records members’ contributions in one place, and tracks previous versions for you.

So what are wikis best used for? Here are 10 examples of how they are being used on the Knowledge Hub.

1. Record meeting minutes – record minutes directly during meetings (online and offline) allowing attendees to keep track, and have an instant record available for anyone to add to.

2. Signpost key content – create a contents list for your group to signpost members to relevant threads, library items, events, etc. Organise content by topics and themes making them accessible from a single place.

3. Coordinate events – develop agendas collaboratively and create delegate lists allowing virtual organisation of events.

4. Organise plans and ideas – avoid unnecessary emails and build plans and ideas together and store everyone’s contributions and amendments in one single place.

5. List facts and frequently asked questions (FAQs) – create and build facts and FAQs collaboratively in one single place, and point people to them.

6. Manage project development and actions – update project work areas, keep track of development and actions, test new ideas and get feedback from everyone to inform decisions.

7. Report issues – record on-going issues for reporting, and pick up duplicate issues easily and identify related issues quickly.

8. Create useful resources – store reference lists of contacts, documents, external links and websites, instructions, checklists, etc. for all members to easily view and update.

9. Build collaborative dictionaries – list an A-Z of common terms used in your work area, for members to view and add to, building a group vocabulary.

10. Display operational manuals – save guides and manuals in a wiki making it easy to update when processes change, ensuring members have access to the latest version all the time.

The new look Knowledge Hub coming soon will continue to provide simple and easy to use wiki pages. With so many uses for the wiki, take a look at how it could help you collaborate further with members. And if you’ve found using the wiki useful, please share your examples and tips – we’d love to hear about them.

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