

What’s in a Men’s Shed for you?

A Men’s Shed is a workshop for making, mending and hobbies. Groups of retired men love them and have opened more than two a week in the UK in the last 6 months! If you are interested in supporting men’s health and wellbeing, community development or skill sharing, or if you could be interested in starting a Shed or know people who might then why not all come along and hear from the guys why more Sheds are needed.

Meet the Shedders - A national programme of regional events

Throughout 2015 Sheds are hosting 10 or more regional events where Shed members will talk with visitors about what Men’s Sheds are, what people do in them and why they attend. You will see some of the things the guys have made but mainly there will be plenty of opportunity to find out anything you may want to know, from the guys who are doing it – including what’s in a Men’s Shed for women!

Event programmes will vary but

  • if you are thinking of starting or joining a Shed or just want to find out more,
  • if your work involves supporting men’s health or community development, or
  • if you want to discover what you could do to help this movement forward

the shedders would love to meet you. The aim is to have an event in all of England’s regions

Thursday 2nd July 2.15pm Indian YMCA Fitzroy Street W1T 6AQ.

To register (free)

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