
New to LG Inform and LG Inform Plus?

Need a helping hand?

If you're fresh to LG Inform and LG Inform Plus, you might have a few questions or need some tips on how to get the most out of the toolkit. Or you might be a seasoned user looking for a little advice on how to dig a little deeper. Whatever your level of experience, we're running informal 'hot seat' sessions in January where you can place any burning questions to the people behind the programmes.

Join us at the next session on 26 January...

Don't forget, you can always get in touch with the support team from Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

About LG Inform and LG Inform Plus

Local Government Inform (LG Inform) is the LGA's benchmarking data service for councils and fire and rescue authorities. It brings together a range of key performance data for authorities, alongside contextual and financial information, in an online tool.  Users can view data from over 1000 individual items, make comparisons between their authority and other councils or groups of councils, or construct their own reports bringing several data items together. Importantly, the data is updated quickly after being published at its source.

LG Inform Plus is a subscription service that allows authorities to drill down from top level strategic metrics in LG Inform to small area reporting information. Authorities are able to view ward reports and create charts, maps and table using small area data. In addition, the LG Inform API data feed enables authorities to access the data library directly to populate corporate or local information systems and drive new applications.

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