Entries with tag what about youth .

ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
03 Hyd 2016 - 16:37
The latest wave of the Government’s Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England (SDD) is taking place in secondary schools across the country now.  The survey has run almost every year since 1982 and provides national statistics to help monitor trends in underage risky behaviour, monitor the impact of policy initiatives, and provide insight into what motivates young people... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 1813 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
18 Ebrill 2016 - 10:41
The Health Behaviours in Young People tool provides local authority level estimates for several topic areas, based on what 15 year olds themselves said about their attitudes to healthy lifestyles and risky behaviours (self-reported), including diet and physical activity, smoking, alcohol, use of drugs, bullying and wellbeing. For each topic area, the information is shown by gender, ethnicity,... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 1756 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
17 Rhag 2015 - 13:15
The What About YOUth? 2014 survey provides valuable information on the health and wellbeing of teenagers and provides robust results at a Local Authority (LA) level. The results of the survey have now been published and can be found here - http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB19244 along with a data tool published by Public Health England that allows you to explore and compare the... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 1743 golygfeydd